Section IV is based on Article 4: Effective Measures. This completes the 1981 U.N. Declaration paradigm loop suggesting best practices and effective measures to promote tolerance in your community. Use your community research and resource contacts to name and describe an effective measure in each of the six civic fields and legislation. They may be practical programs to solve community issues or specific case studies. Effective measures may be programs that already exist in the community, or additions to existing programs that you think would make them more effective based on your community research.

1. Name Effective Civil Measure



2. Name Effective Economic Measure



3. Name Effective Political Measure



4. Name Effective Social Measure



5. Name Effective Cultural Measure



6. Name Effective Legislative Measure




The Addendum may include results of Questionnaire on the Ultimate Meaning of Life; Community Resources List; and Community Compendium of Laws and Regulations