Establishing a list of community contacts for
interviews and other assignments is the first task of the Tandem
Project Community Education Manual, How to Monitor Human Rights
and Freedom of Religion or Belief: Equal Separation by Belief and
State. But first you must open the Community Information
Database and select a community.
- Click to open the Community Information Database. Fill
out the first two sections, Registration and Selection. The community
selected for study must be a recognized unit of government not
to exceed a population of 100,000. It can be a rural area, village,
city or neighborhood governmental unit within a city. Do not
go any further in answering the Community Information Database questions
until you have established a list of community contacts.
- Click
back to this Community Resources Database. A
list of community contacts needs to be established before
taking the Study Topics in Part II: The 1981 U.N. Declaration.
Many of the Study Topics in Part II require outside research
assignments, interviews and community meetings. Use a computer
spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel that can be updated regularly,
or make a manual list if a database spreadsheet is not
available. The contact information should use the fields
below and be as complete as possible. If your computer
database has a notepad or calendar use it to schedule the
time of your appointments and a short summary of what was
Field 1: Name
Field 2: Title
Field 3: Organization
Field 4: Street Address
Field 5: City/Region/Zip
Field 6: Country
Field 7: Tel/Fax
Field 8: E-Mail
Field 9: Website
Field 10: Notepad for appointments, summary of meetings
The Community Resources Database is a spreadsheet or
written list of institutions, organizations and individuals in
the community to be contacted for Part II Study Topic research
assignments. The list is divided into nine major categories needed
for research of a community report. They are; Community Profile,
Religion or Belief, Human Rights, Government, Education, Economics,
Services, Media, Arts. The Tandem Project Community Education Manual
is for population areas of 100,000 or less. This is to give residents
who write or respond to the Community Report a sense of civic duty,
a responsibility to engage their neighbors in dialogue on how to
promote tolerance and prevent discrimination based on religion
or belief in the community where they live.
The Community Report on Human Rights and Freedom of Religion or
Belief is for the smallest designated governmental areas of a country.
The List of Community Contacts is for government institutions,
religions or beliefs, organizations and individuals serving the
community but not necessarily located in the geographical area.
Not all communities will be able to fill out a list of contacts
for each sector, especially in remote rural or village areas. Having
a complete list is not necessary or important. Filling out a community
contact list should reflect the geography, culture and activity
of your community. Making a list of contacts will be a learning
experience in itself and will enable you to get a better understanding
of what to look for as you complete the study topic research assignments.
Click on community sectors below and begin to fill out your list
of community contacts.

Demography is the statistical study of
human populations. The first list is a demographic profile of the
community. Review the statistics called for in Section I of the
Community Report on Human Rights and Freedom of Religion or Belief.
Write a name or title for each of the categories below. A list
of contacts for the Community Profile can be regional, village
or city planning departments, census bureaus, chambers of commerce,
school boards, religions or beliefs, demographers in academic institutions,
Internet resources, or anyone else who can give you a statistical
breakdown of your community. Write a name or title for each of
the categories below and then look up the contact information and
list it by the fields and tags on your database spreadsheet, cut
and paste this sector to an attached word file, or list the contact
information on a separate piece of paper. Write the name or title
of the person or organization to contact. Repeat the name, title
and full address for the contact in your Community Resources
1. Population of the Community
2. Square Miles of the Community
3. Literacy Rate of the Community
4. Major Economic Activity of the Community
5. Names of Major and Minority Religions or Beliefs
6. Names of
Ethnic Groups
7. Names of Political Parties
8. Names of Government Boards and Commissions

Establish a contact list with
addresses of all the religions or beliefs in the community. This
list is only for places of worship or assembly. Names and titles
of contacts for religious schools, charities, human rights, publications
and arts groups are listed in the other community sectors. Write
the place of worship or assembly to contact. Repeat the name, title
and full address in your Community
Resources Database.
1. Place of Worship
2. Place of Worship
3. Place of Worship
4. Place of Worship
5. Place of Worship
6. Place of Worship
7. Place of Worship
8. Place of Worship
9. Place of Assembly
10. Place of Assembly

Human rights contacts can be governmental,
non-governmental (NGO), religious, secular, general purpose or
thematic such as organizations against torture, for women’s
rights, racial equality, indigenous rights, cultural rights, children’s
rights. Establish a list of all Human Rights organizations in your
community or in close proximity. Write the name or title of the
person or organization to contact. Repeat the name, title and full
address for the contact in your Community Resources Database.
1. General Purpose
2. Women’s Rights
3. Racial Equality
4. Indigenous Rights
5. Religious Human Rights
6. Children’s Rights
7. Economic Rights
8. Cultural Rights
9. Govt. Human Rights Departments

The Government list of contacts in your
community shall include all civil service offices with a responsibility
for oversight on some aspect of human rights and freedom of religion
or belief. This can be a surprisingly large list of boards and
commissions, elected offices, agencies, departments and individuals.
To begin, list the government agencies and departments most responsible
for oversight. Later, add contacts as study topic assignments discover
new relationships between belief and state. The government sector
includes such civil services as the religious affairs, zoning,
housing, police, welfare, health, employment and military. Public
schools and government human rights departments are in other sectors.
Many government offices are located outside the geographical boundaries
of the community in a region or city nearby. Write the name, title,
office, agency or department you wish to contact. Repeat the name,
title, organization and full address in your Community Resources
1. Mayor or Village Manager
2. Elected Legislators
3. Major Political Party
4. Minority Political Party
5. City, Village Administrator
6. Religious Affairs, Registration
7. Justice Ministry, Legal Advocates, Judges
8. Police Department
9. Civil Rights Department
10. Military, Defense Department
11. Building Permits
12. Zoning Department
13. Welfare Department
14. Health Department
15. Housing Department
16. Employment, Jobs Agency
17. Census Bureau, Demographics
18. Other

Establish a contact list for all primary,
secondary and higher schools of education within the community
or in close proximity and serving the community. This includes
all public, private and religious schools including education within
places of worship. Begin by listing the schools that serve the
community. Later,
you will expand this listby interviewing primary
and secondary teachers, professors and other academics in subjects
such assecondary school social studies and history,
higher education cross-culturalstudies, sociology,
philosophy, theology, bio-ethics, psychology and others appropriate
tostudy topic assignments on human rights and
freedom of religion orbelief. Write the
name or title of the schools to contact. Repeat the name, teacher,
title, school and full address for each contact in your Community
Resources Database. Later add teacher and professor interviews
with course material appropriate to your research.
1. Primary Public School/s
2. Primary Religious School/s
3. Primary Private School/s
4. Secondary Public School/s
5. Secondary Religious School/s
6. Secondary Private School/s
7. Education in Places of Worship
8. Parents Associations
9. Home Schools
10. Community Education
11. Colleges and Universities
12. Law Schools
13. Seminaries

Establish a contact list
of business associations, chambers of commerce, better business
bureau’s, credit unions and employment
agencies in the community. Selectively create a representative
sample of business contacts in the community after consulting a
business or business association on the nature of the research
and the type of interviews you wish to have with businesses. Write
the name, title or business you wish to contact. Repeat the name,
title, business and full address in your Community Resources
1. Chamber of Commerce
2. Small Business Association
3. Large Corporation/s
4. Small Business/s
5. Credit Bureau
6. Economic Development Corporation
7. Non-Profit Corporation/s

Establish a contact list of private and religious social service
agencies, charitable and humanitarian institutions serving the
community. Public social services and charities are also listed
in the Government sector. Charities may include services like food
shelves, emergency shelters, counseling and education assistance.
They may exist within the community or outside the boundaries within
a larger geographical area. Write the name, title or organization
you wish to contact. Repeat the name, title, organization and full
address in your Community Resources Database.
1. Health Clinic/s
2. Hunger Assistance
3. Emergency Housing
4. Domestic Shelters
5. Employment Agencies
6. Welfare Departments
7. Humanitarian Institutions
8. Other

Establish a contact list for newspapers, television stations,
radio stations, advertising agencies, Internet providers, publications
and other media serving the community. Include all public, religious,
ethnic and indigenous media. Write the name or title of the organization
you wish to contact. Repeat the name, title, organization and full
address in the Community Resources Database.
1. Newspapers
2. Television Stations
3. Radio Stations
4. Local Advertising
5. Religious Publications
6. Internet Providers
Establish a list of contacts for ethnic groups, writers, poets,
dance groups, theater, drama, film and other fine arts that serve
the community. Write the name and title of the person or organization
to contact. Repeat the names, titles, persons, organizations and
full address in your Community Resources Database.
1. Cultural Groups
2. Ethnic Dance Groups
3. Religious Art
4. Theater Groups
5. Writer’s
6. Poets
7. Film Studios
8. Other