THE 1981 UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF INTOLERANCE AND OF DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RELIGION OR BELIEF NAME OF COMMUNITY [SUBMIT] [INDEX] COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT DIRECTORY DATABASE The Community Assessment Directory is a contact list of institutions, organizations and individuals in the community for research assignments, interviews, meetings, etc. The Directory is the basic tool for completing a Community Assessment Report. The list is divided into eight categories: Religion or Belief, Government, Human Rights, Education, Economics, Social Services, Media, Arts. The Community Assessment Report on Human Rights and Freedom of Religion or Belief is for local government areas with a population of 100,000 or less. The Report use international human rights norms and standards, as guidelines to promote tolerance and prevent discrimination based on religion or belief in a community. The directory is for government institutions, religions or beliefs, organizations and individuals serving the community but not necessarily located in the geographical area. The Community Assessment Directory list is for all institutions and organizations serving the designated local government area. Individuals on the list will be contacted for an initial interview to learn how the community relates to human rights and freedom of religion or belief as a starting point for the assessment. Creating a Directory is a learning experience and will enable a better understanding of what to look for as you complete a study topic research assignment. The Community Assessment Directory can be expanded as new institutions, organizations and individuals are added to be interviewed. The Community Assessment Report Directory includes fields in the Eight Categories for a Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail and Website. After typing in a contact hit the POSITION button and scroll down to identify a sub-category for the contact. Then hit the SUBMIT button to E-mail the contact to The Tandem Project. After you hit the submit button a new screen will appear for another name, or you can hit the INDEX button to return back to the Index of Eight Categories. There is a NOTES box that may be used if you choose to write notes after a meeting with the contact. This feature enables you to document research notes for answering questions for the Community Assessment Report. When you are through with a meeting open The Community Assessment Directory to the Category and Sub-Category of the contact. Type in the last name of the contact and write the notes of the meeting. Then hit the SUBMIT button and the NOTES will be e-mailed to The Tandem Project who will cut and paste them under the name of the contact for future reference. The Tandem Project is not responsible for the views expressed in the notes and reserves the right to edit notes for The Community Assessment Directory before they are placed on the Internet. INDEX 1. Religion or Belief 2. Government 3. Human Rights 4. Education 5. Economics 6. Social Services: 7. Media 8. Arts 1. RELIGION OR BELIEF Establish a contact list with addresses of all the Religions or Beliefs in the community. This list is for places of worship or assembly. Contacts for religious schools, charities, human rights, publications and arts groups are listed in the other community categories. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-Mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] Place of Worship NOTES: [SUBMIT] [INDEX] 2. GOVERNMENT The Government category includes all offices with a responsibility for oversight of some aspect of human rights and freedom of religion or belief. This can be a surprisingly large list: boards and commissions, elected offices, and offices and departments such civil services as the religious affairs, zoning, housing, police, welfare, health, human rights, employment and military. Some Government contacts are listed in other categories such as Public Schools in Education, and others in Social Services, Economics, etc. Many government offices are located outside the geographical boundaries of the local area selected for a Community Assessment Report. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] Mayor or Village Manager NOTES:
[SUBMIT] [INDEX] 3. HUMAN RIGHTS The Human Rights category can include individuals representing governmental, non-governmental general purpose or thematic organizations such as NGOs for women’s rights, racial equality, indigenous rights, cultural rights, children’s rights, etc. Establish a list of all Human Rights organizations in your community or in close proximity. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] General Purpose NOTES: [SUBMIT] [INDEX] 4. EDUCATION Establish a directory for all primary, secondary and higher schools of education within the community or in close proximity and serving the community. This includes all public, private and religious schools. Begin by listing each school and the primary contact such as the principle or president of a college. Then under each school expand the list to include primary and secondary teachers, professors and other academics in subjects such as secondary school social studies and history, higher education cross-cultural studies, sociology, philosophy, theology, bio-ethics, psychology and others appropriate to human rights and freedom of religion or belief. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] Primary School NOTES: [SUBMIT] [INDEX] 5. ECONOMICS Establish a Directory of business associations, chambers of commerce, better business bureau’s, credit unions and employment agencies in the community. Selectively create a representative sample of business contacts in the community after consulting a business or business association on the nature of the research and the type of interviews you wish to have with businesses. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] Chamber of Commerce NOTES: [SUBMIT] [INDEX] 6. SOCIAL SERVICES Establish a Directory of private and religious social service agencies, charitable and humanitarian institutions serving the community. Public social services and charities are also listed in the Government category. Charities may include services like food shelves, emergency shelters, counseling and education assistance. They may exist within the community or outside the boundaries within a larger geographical area. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] Health Clinic NOTES: [SUBMIT] [INDEX] 7. MEDIA Create a contact list for newspapers, television stations, radio stations, advertising agencies, Internet providers, publications and other media serving the community. Include all public, religious, ethnic and indigenous media. Write the primary name and title of the organization you wish to contact. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] Newspaper NOTES: [SUBMIT] [INDEX] 8. ARTS Establish a list of contacts for ethnic groups, writers, poets, dance groups, theater, drama, film and other fine arts that serve the community. Write the name and title of the person or organization to contact. CONTACT: [Name, Title, Organization, Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website] POSITION: [Sub-Category] Community Group NOTES: [SUBMIT] [INDEX] |